Sunday, September 1, 2013

It's September 2nd - Labor Day.

First Things First!


I've really appreciated and enjoyed all of the E-notes that I've received expressing the popularity - if not the downright need - for this blog!

Well - now it's back, but it may not appear at the same early hour that you're used to and even it's form may change, now and then.
I may decide to post notices / events just as soon as I hear about them - even if that happens two or three times a day - OR, if nothing is happening,  I may decide to let items accumulate until I have enough for a good-sized blog post.

As always, I will welcome your input, requests and suggestions!



It's 66 degrees and foggy at 6:30 a.m.

The Weather Forecast from YNN:  

"Numerous Showers/Storms,  Turning Cooler, Less Humid 

Today will start off dry, but look for showers and storms to increase in coverage and intensity during the afternoon. Widespread severe weather isn't expected, but a few storms could contain gusty winds.

 Showers and storms will wind down Monday night, and a cooler, less humid airmass will build in Tuesday. An upper air disturbance tracking across upstate NY will be the focus for a few spotty showers during the afternoon.

 High pressure will build in Tuesday night, and stick around through the end of the work week providing dry weather to the region."


In my last blog post I promised that if there was an event that would have a lasting impact on the community I would tell you about it. As it turned out, however, it seems that that major "event" turned out to be a non-event:  

When the skies opened, and rain fell steadily for the last several days of June, many communities along the Mohawk Valley as well as those all around Waterville suffered terrible damage from flooding.   We were spared!

Little Falls.  Photograph by Florence Lewis.

A similar gallery of Flooding in Herkimer County.

Local roads flooded in the usual spots: Osborn Avenue, Loomis Road and 315 were all closed - briefly.

At a spot just a bit south of the caves in Forge Hollow, where Big Creek has persistently left its banks and covered Route 315 during Spring melt (in front of Elaine Peterson's home) the County moved in with some very large equipment and spent a couple of weeks moving the course of the creek away from the road, closer to the hillside.  The new course is lined with huge "rip-rap" and now it just remains to be seen whether or not the highway will stay dry, next Spring.


My thanks to Lou Langone who sent me these two photographs of damage done to rail lines during the storm:

At the crossing on Loomis Road, south of Sangerfield..............

............... and near Earlville.


Sometimes it was too wet or too dry, too cold or too hot.  This corn on Grant Hill was barely knee-high on the Fourth of July. 

But by the end of August that had changed!

Hanover View, yesterday.


On one of the hottest days of the Summer, Waterville was once again represented in the Washington, D.C., Independence Day Parade!

Jody Hildreth's video as seen on Facebook.

(If you aren't able to see and hear this outstanding performance, you'll just have to take my word for it: truly "goose-bumpey, "lump-in-throat," wonderfully good!)


The sign board in front of the former Grace Episcopal Church, on East Main Street.

The familiar sign has not yet been moved from East Main Street to West Main - and may not even fit! - but everything else has, and now the building that housed Homestead Savings & Loan and then First Niagara Bank for so many years is now the home of The Waterville Times. 

Production of the newspaper is now completely computerized, but if you look closely at the front window you'll see a fine example of an antique item called a Typewriter!

Good News!  The "Closed Until Further Notice" sign has be removed from the door and Stinkers Tavern is open, again!


Other Views


Hop harvest, Saturday, at the Mosher Hop Yard.

Some of the hop vines in front of the Waterville Public Library have been harvested, too - probably to be used as decorations by the Waterville Historical Society.


Summer "fix-ups" in progress  .......

at the Browns, on White Street .........

...............  the historic home built by George Putnam in the late 1860s and known for many years as "The Home for Homeless Ladies"  ..........

............. and this residence on the corner of Park Place and Sanger Avenue, built at about the same time by William Candee.


Barton Avenue.

Lower White Street.



The Village of Waterville


Waterville Central School
Please note that the WCS website has a NEW URL:

Also:  Click HERE for this week's high school SPORTS!


The Waterville Public Library

The Interactive Calendar on the Library website.

This week at the Library:

Showings Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. and Wednesday at 1:00.


"Old-timers' Story Swap" Friday at 1:00.

Two hours of fun - guaranteed!


Stargazing at the Barton-Brown Observatory sponsored by
the Mohawk Valley Astronomical Society.

Saturday at dusk - weather permitting.

The Trifid Nebula, photographed on August 23rd at the Barton-Brown Observatory by Astro-photographer Don Yacco 
of the Mohawk Valley Astronomical Society. 



I believe that this was the lowest price of the Summer.

July 6.

Saturday, August 31.


Everyone asks me if I did anything unusual during my "vacation." 

Of course I did!

But the best parts were sleeping late, taking back road day "scoots," catching up with lots of old friends, reading heaps and heaps of local history, doing a fair amount of writing, and going to the Old-timers' Story Swaps at the Library.

Unexpected delights:


I confess: I'm hooked!

1 comment:

  1. So very glad you are back, we have missed you!!!!
