It's Recyclable Collection Day.
44 degrees and sunny at 6:30 a.m.
44 degrees and sunny at 6:30 a.m.
The Weather Forecast from YNN: "High pressure will dominate Wednesday through Saturday with more sun over this period and lots of dry weather. The risk for an isolated shower or thunderstorm will return Friday and Saturday afternoons.
A front will then be in play on Sunday with a few scattered showers likely. It doesn't look exceptionally wet at this point, but we'll see how this develops over the next few days. "
From WKTV.
Front Page Headlines from
"Historians Honor Marshall Woman "
"WCS Board Sets Budget"
"BCS Budget Contains Cuts"
"Run Set For Saturday, May 4"
"Waterville Man Writes Article"
"Brookfield Candidates Chosen"
To read more, please click HERE.
The Waterville Central School National Honor Society
will sponsor an
American Red Cross Blood Drive
on Friday May 10th from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
in the High School Gymnasium .
It is open to the public .
Donors can sign up by calling Bob Gray at 841-3823.
From Lee Pavlot, these photographs taken at
the Optimist Polka Party held on Sunday, April 21 at the VFW in Clinton. "Over 100 people had a fun-filled afternoon. Music was supplied by Tony’s Polka Band."
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Schachtler celebrated their 57th anniversary at the party. (Congratulations!)
(Thanks, Lee!)
Attention "Old Timers!"
From Jill Getman, at the Library, to me - but I need your feedback on this, please!
Jill has pencilled in the following dates for continued "Story Swaps":
June 14 & 28,
July 12 & 26
August 9 & 23
September 6 & 20 (?)
"We could do afternoons at 1pm if that was a good time."
(She also offered to do the cookies and lemonade!)
This would be either the fifth or sixth year, I think - do you want to continue? You can Email me at the link in the right-hand column of this page or phone me at 841-4679.
The Forsythia is blooming next to the front door of the Suba residence on Hanover Road.
Some vines in the Hop Yard at the Library are about 6" tall .
In shady hardwoods there are patches of Blue Cohosh ......
........ and May Apple Leaves are unfurling like little umbrellas.
At the Library
LEGO Mania from 2:00 - 5:00
Every Wednesday after school we’ll pull out our huge tote of Legos for you to build with.
What will you build? a sky-scraping tower? space shuttle? a dragon slaying truck?
Just a year ago!
Have another great day, everyone, and soak up the sunshine!
For more about May Day traditions - and why they exist - please click HERE.
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